
S. Maclaren BMW M Sport Premium Stroller – Red

RM3,500.00 RM2,699.00

Maclaren BMW M Sport Premium Stroller – Red

It is easy to become overwhelmed with the selection of available strollers on the market. You want something lightweight that is easy to collapse and take with you wherever you go, and you want to make sure it is comfortable for your little one. Sometimes it may seem like you cannot find everything you need in just one model.

Well, we did the research and we think we may have found what you are looking for: the Maclaren BMW M Sport Stroller. This high-quality stroller company has teamed up with one of our favorite luxury car brands to bring you a lightweight, comfortable stroller that is sure to be just right for your family.

Maclaren BMW M Sport Premium婴儿推车-红色


好吧,我们进行了研究,我们认为我们可能找到了您想要的东西:Maclaren BMW M Sport婴儿推车。这家高质量的婴儿推车公司与我们最喜欢的豪华车品牌之一合作,为您带来了轻便,舒适的婴儿车,肯定适合您的家人。



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Maclaren BMW M Sport Premium Stroller – Red

It is easy to become overwhelmed with the selection of available strollers on the market. You want something lightweight that is easy to collapse and take with you wherever you go, and you want to make sure it is comfortable for your little one. Sometimes it may seem like you cannot find everything you need in just one model.

Well, we did the research and we think we may have found what you are looking for: the Maclaren BMW M Sport Stroller. This high-quality stroller company has teamed up with one of our favorite luxury car brands to bring you a lightweight, comfortable stroller that is sure to be just right for your family.



When it comes to umbrella Stroller, there are few that compare with the Maclaren BMW-M model. It offers the luxury you expect with a name like BMW while remaining rugged and compact, making it a great choice for an everyday stroller.


⭐️Newborn Safety System: this stroller is ready to go for your infant with no adapters, car seats, or bassinets necessary.
⭐️Designed for comfort: the seat is fully adjustable from head to toe and contoured to offer maximum comfort for your little one.
⭐️Weatherproof: not only does the UPF 50+ sunshade offer full coverage, but it is also waterproof, which is works great with the bonus removable rain cover included with the stroller.


⭐️Pricey: for an umbrella stroller, the price tag is a bit more on the expensive end of the scale, which may be a deal breaker for the budget-conscious family.
⭐️Does not recline flat: the seat reclines pretty far when dropped to the lowest setting, but it still does not lie completely flat.
⭐️Not much storage: the undercarriage basket is a bit small; you may have trouble fitting a diaper bag under the stroller.


Easy to Use

For most parents, a stroller that is quick and easy to use and store is necessary, especially when you have your hands full with a new baby. This stroller is extremely lightweight – only weighing 15 pounds – and folds down easily with one hand and is small enough to stuff into the storage bag that is included. You should not have any issues getting it into the trunk of your car.

Child Capacity

You are sure to get a nice long life out of this stroller, from infancy to late toddlerhood. Thanks to Maclaren’s unique Newborn Safety System, the seat easily converts into a safe bassinet for your newborn.

The stroller also has a 55-pound weight maximum, and can handle a child up until about the age of four years old.

Safety Features

Safety should always be one of the foremost things on your mind when looking for a stroller, and this one has some great features. There is a five-point harness (shoulder straps and lap belt), which is the standard for safety in both car seats and strollers. The foot brake is also convenient, as you can lock both rear wheels with just one step rather than having to lock them separately. Finally, there are reflective accents, which are designed to keep you safe on your evening walks.


This stroller is designed with motor vehicle luxury in mind, making it very comfortable for our little one. The seat is contoured to support your baby’s neck and back, and has an adjustable leg rest and 4-position recline.

Also included with your stroller is a padded head hugger, which is an absolute must-have for your infant, and padded shoulder straps to keep your baby safe.

Unique to an umbrella stroller, this one is designed with wheel suspension to help absorb every bump you hit, making it a smooth ride for your precious cargo.

High-Quality Materials

Maclaren did not skimp on the materials used for this stroller. The adjustable handles are covered with leather, rather than the plastic or foam you find on most strollers, and instead of cheap plastic wheels, these are rubber, which help give the stroller a smooth ride.

Weather Protection

You do not need to worry about the weather keeping you inside; this stroller is ready to tackle whatever is in the forecast. The adjustable sunshade provides UPF 50+ protection and completely covers your child when fully extended. A removable rain cover is also included with your stroller, which pairs nicely with the waterproof materials used on the body.


If you are using a stroller, you more than likely want to be hands-free with no weight on your person. Your stroller should be able to carry not only your baby but also everything else you may need for an outing together. The Maclaren BMW-M has a storage basket underneath that is large enough to carry a purse or diaper bag. In addition, there is also a zippered storage pouch on the back of the seat that can be used to carry small items, such as a phone or wallet if you are traveling light.


Maclaren BMW M Sport Premium婴儿推车-红色


好吧,我们进行了研究,我们认为我们可能找到了您想要的东西:Maclaren BMW M Sport婴儿推车。这家高质量的婴儿推车公司与我们最喜欢的豪华车品牌之一合作,为您带来了轻便,舒适的婴儿车,肯定适合您的家人。


当谈到雨伞婴儿车时,很少有可以与Maclaren BMW-M车型相比的车型。它像宝马一样提供您所期望的豪华,同时又坚固又紧凑,使其成为日常手推车的理想选择。


⭐️防风雨:UPF 50+遮阳篷不仅可以提供全面覆盖,而且还可以防水,这与手推车附带的可拆卸防雨罩非常匹配。


















您无需担心天气使您无法入内。这辆婴儿车已准备好应对预测中的一切。可调式遮阳篷提供UPF 50+防护,完全伸展后可完全覆盖您的孩子。您的婴儿车还包括可移动的防雨罩,可与身体上使用的防水材料很好地搭配。


如果您使用的是婴儿车,那么您很可能希望免提,而您的体重不会减轻。您的婴儿推车不仅应该能够携带婴儿,而且还可以携带其他您需要一起郊游的一切。 Maclaren BMW-M的下方有一个储物篮,足够大,可以容纳一个钱包或尿布袋。此外,座椅后部还有一个拉链式储物袋,可用于携带小物件,例如手机或钱包(如果您轻装上路)。


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