S. Quinny Yezz Air Premium Stroller – Grey
RM1,799.00 RM1,299.00
Quinny has created the ultimate buggy of tomorrow, using high-tech 3D knitting technology. Say hello to the Yezz Air, a lightweight and ultra-comfortable buggy with handy shoulderstrap, perfect for parents on the move. The breathable hammock seat feels really relaxing for your child.
- Air ventilation
- Lightweight and compact
- Ultra comfortable
Quinny使用高科技3D编织技术创造了明天的终极越野车。向Yezz Air打个招呼,Yezz Air是一款轻巧,非常舒适的越野车,带有方便的肩带,非常适合在旅途中的父母使用。透气的吊床座椅让您的孩子真正放松。
- 空气流通
- 轻巧紧凑
- 超舒适
S. Quinny Yezz Air Premium Stroller – Green
The relaxed traveller
The Yezz Air has an innovative 3D knitted seat that offers maximum comfort. The knitted mesh of this Quinny Yezz is both high-tech and very soft, and the elasticity of the fabric makes sitting in the buggy ultra-relaxing. The seat is like a hammock; it supports all pressure points evenly and feels really comfortable for the child. At the same time, the open structure of the fabric lets your child enjoy a soft breeze on a warm summer day. Imagine how comfy that feels! It also features all the benefits of the standard Yezz: lightweight, easy folding and carrying. Some airlines allow this buggy as carry-on luggage, check with your airline prior to your flight. It features a shoulder strap, which makes it easy to carry.
⭐️Stroller Weight: 5KG
⭐️Suitable baby weight: 6 months up to 15KG
⭐️Easy Carrying
⭐️Included Storage Pocker
⭐️Sun Canopy
⭐️Stand By Itself when Folded
S. Quinny Yezz Air 品质优良婴儿手推车 – 青色
Yezz Air具有创新的3D编织座椅,可提供最大的舒适度。 Quinny Yezz的针织网眼既高科技又非常柔软,并且织物的弹性使您可以坐在越野车中轻松放松。座位就像吊床。它均匀地支撑所有压力点,让孩子感到非常舒适。同时,织物的开放结构使您的孩子在温暖的夏日享受微风。想象一下这种感觉多么舒适!它还具有标准Yezz的所有优点:重量轻,易于折叠和携带。一些航空公司允许将此儿童车作为手提行李,在飞行前向您的航空公司查询。它具有肩带,便于携带。
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